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On cloud nine: Katy Perry is seen floating on a cloud on her main album cover, but is completely swaddled in the picture for her Middle Eastern Teenage Dream front cover (right) 冲上云端法:凯蒂·佩里在主打专辑《花季梦思》封面上的造型本是错愕在云端之上,但该专辑的中东版却变成了被云朵裹住的生果姐。
Dreamy: Looking lush on a sunbedchat sex5, this is the original Katy Perry album cover 梦思式:凯蒂·佩里《名目少男仙女》专辑封面的原始版块——躺在日光浴床上的慵懒好意思东谈主。
Nightmare! Katy Perry's album One of the Boys was heavily doctored by Saudi censors 遵守沙特的剪刀手们用油腻的颜色把它改形成了恶梦!
Many labels now offer two cover options, particularly for their most popular performers, ensuring that the artwork will require no further doctoring and can be sold without causing offence. 为了确保唱片封面免于被修改,且能在不引起冒犯的情况下销售,唱片公司咫尺提供两种封面接纳,尤其是这种当红明星的专辑。
There have been some memorable redesigns in recent years with Kylie Minogue wearing a wrap to cover up her white swimsuit, on the cover of her 2001 record Fever, Madonna swapping her revealing dominatrix outfit in favor of a one-piece leather body suit for her 2008 album Hard Candy, and Katy Perry being consumed by clouds on 2010 hit Teenage Dream, all in the name of Middle Eastern decency. 最近几年,以中东礼节之名作念出来的令东谈主记起的二次谋略有,身着白色泳衣的澳大利亚女歌星凯莉·米洛在其2001年的专辑《发热》封面上被“裹”上了领巾;在2008年专辑《硬质糖果》上身着透视sm装的麦当娜换上了连体皮衣;凯蒂·佩里的专辑《名目年华》变成了被白云抑制住的生果姐。
萝莉色情Almost all of Mariah Carey's albums have been adjusted for audiences in Asia while Christina Aguilera has also been targeted by the censors. 为了亚洲的受众,玛利亚·凯蒂的总共专辑险些齐曾被挪动过,而克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉也已被监察东谈主员们盯上了。
In Lady Gaga's 2013 album, the cover was also altered for its Middle Eastern release. LadyGaga 2013年的专辑为了粗略在中东地区刊行,也作念出了编削。
The blue orb she holds in front of her was enlarged to cover what was visible of her breasts. 她眼前的蓝色圆球为了粗略挡住胸部被放大chat sex5。
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